This is just random stuff from life that most of the time includes monkey photos or monkey stuff.
Why PoMonkey? I like monkeys! And some friends were on vacation and sent us a postcard. They said that they had found the perfect place for us to live...Pomonkey! I agreed. Indeed, it would be fun to live in a place called Pomonkey. And a blog name was born.
Tuesday, March 21, 2006
"We all need some monkey to lean on."
Congratulations to Wince's mom! And to all of you naysayers out there...I didn't pick her caption just because she was the only chick to play. I hope that you will all play again in future caption contests.
NONSENSE! Mine was the best. The monkey isn't even leaning! He's falling over! It doesn't even make any sense! The competition was rigged! You just don't like boys! Everyone is out to get me! The government is coming to take over your home, so everyone needs guns! The CIA killed JFK! Jesus was married!...
The monkey IS leaning. He surely doesn't looked demon possessed though. I don't need a prize, Ginger. Just beating out all of these "professional" bloggers is prize enough for me. I'm not a loser anymore, and I made my son proud. It's a good day.
I can't believe it. I never would have expected something like this to happen to me. My mother winning such a contest. I am truly proud.
And what does she win? A monkey?
NONSENSE! Mine was the best. The monkey isn't even leaning! He's falling over! It doesn't even make any sense! The competition was rigged! You just don't like boys! Everyone is out to get me! The government is coming to take over your home, so everyone needs guns! The CIA killed JFK! Jesus was married!...
what did you say about my mom? she did not kill JFK!
The monkey IS leaning. He surely doesn't looked demon possessed though. I don't need a prize, Ginger. Just beating out all of these "professional" bloggers is prize enough for me. I'm not a loser anymore, and I made my son proud. It's a good day.
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