Friday, May 05, 2006


Happy May 5th or Happy Cinco de Mayo, whichever you and your family celebrate. If you happen to live close to one, I hope that you were able to have a taco at Taco John's. I've only visited a Taco John's once in my life and while the food was okay, the best thing about it was their mascot, Whiplash. Goce hoy y recuerde, los monos son realmente lindo. (That's funny!)


Unknown said...

I LOVE Taco John's. While I was in high school, there was a rumor that they were busted for using kangaroo meat. It didn't matter; I was all about Taco Tuesday and Softshell Sunday. MMMMM. Carrie likes Taco Bell more than Taco John's so my eating at Taco John's has been tempered a bit. But if they open one up in Algona - all bets are off!

Bryan C. McWhite said...

I'm with Todd! TACO JOHN'S IS THE BOOOOOOOOOOMB. I actually introduced Ninj to Taco John's... didn't I? The TJ in Hudson, WI?