Sunday, June 18, 2006


Most of you know that I am in the land of “stuff”, cleaning out many of the earthly possessions of Mr. PoMonkey and myself. I’m cleaning out years and years (think of PoMonkey at age 11) of treasures that for some crazy reason I, at one time, decided were worthy to be kept. In case you weren’t aware, I am VERY sentimental!

I figured I would be absent from blog world until this task was finished, but I’ve found a restaurant with free wireless. Plus I’ve realized that there are just too many stories developing throughout my get-rid-of-junk adventure!

I never dreamed that I would sort through the belongings of my childhood, adolescence, and “90210” years and find monkeys...because I became a monkey friend much later in life. (Of course, I didn't remember many of the things I came across – which consistently begged, “Why on earth did I keep this!!!”)

So EXHIBIT #1: MY VERY FIRST SOCK MONKEY (we shall call her Johnella)

My great aunt made this monkey for me when I was a wee lass. And if I am remembering correctly, my grandmother and I made the dress that Johnella is wearing. And if you’re wondering…she went into the “keep” pile. (Sorry, Mr. PoMonkey!)

Stay tuned for more monkey discoveries!


Taran said...

I'm truly, truly...touched. I think ... I might cry (sniff).

M Griffin said...

Maybe with some of the money you made selling stuff, you could buy Johnella a new dress. That thing is ugly.