For years, I've been collecting good ideas and helpful tips that I have saved from emails, ripped out of magazines, and brainstormed in the middle of the night. The stack became overwhelming, but I could never figure out the best way to organize and catalog the information. As I was lamenting, once again, that I had no plan for my bundles of golden information, Mr. Ginger suggested a blog. That way I could get rid of all the paper and have labels on each post that would allow me to search for the information when I needed it.
So, yes, I have created a new blog -- mainly just for me and for my files. It's pretty much like a digital filing cabinet for me. I thought I'd share the link here. If you find something useful, great! I know that ONE DAY I'LL NEED THIS stuff, and now I'll be able to find it easily.
Thus, the name of my new blog - ONE DAY I'LL NEED THIS (ODINT).

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