Monday, July 13, 2009


This post is in tribute to my friend Rachel and her family in Southeast Asia. She's always sending me fun monkey stuff, and I just received this monkey fan in the's awesome!! She said, "It just jumped off the table at the market and said, 'Ginger needs me!'" Yep, I do! I think I'll take it with me when I go camping in a few weeks. I bet no one else there will have a fan like this!

Rachel also often sends me photos she takes of monkeys! I've posted them here before. I just love this one. I don't know what kind of monkey this is, but he's awfully cute...truly unique! Plus a great shot! Thanks, Friend!

If you know Rachel, and even if you don't, this would be a great time to say a prayer for her and her family. I know they would appreciate it!


Gail said...


Anonymous said...


Wow, thanks for the tribute! I feel so honored. I didn't think of it until I read your post here... you can now tell people honestly that you get fan mail. ha! Of course, it would be true - I sent it to you because I'm a big fan of you! :-)

love and hugs from across the world,
rachel :o)