If you know Rachel, and even if you don't, this would be a great time to say a prayer for her and her family. I know they would appreciate it!
This is just random stuff from life that most of the time includes monkey photos or monkey stuff. Why PoMonkey? I like monkeys! And some friends were on vacation and sent us a postcard. They said that they had found the perfect place for us to live...Pomonkey! I agreed. Indeed, it would be fun to live in a place called Pomonkey. And a blog name was born.
Wow, thanks for the tribute! I feel so honored. I didn't think of it until I read your post here... you can now tell people honestly that you get fan mail. ha! Of course, it would be true - I sent it to you because I'm a big fan of you! :-)
love and hugs from across the world,
rachel :o)
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