Really. You can't make me!! I will NOT be having chocolate-covered bacon at the fair!!!!!
Okay. Okay! I'll try the chocolate-covered bacon but I'm not gonna like it!!!
See. I was right. I didn't like it. If you could just lick the chocolate, it would be okay. But once you mix in the bacon flavor...blech! Double-blech!
No, it definitely does not look appealing. How did it smell? They both have distinct odors and I'm wondering how they mixed with each other. Smell is a big factor for me. That's why I don't eat asparagus or Brussels sprouts. They stink! As I recall, they don't taste that great, either, but it's the smell that gets me every time.
Ashley, it was strange. They were in a Chinese food take-out container and were in the refrigerator. So they didn't really have much of a smell at all. Everyone was expecting it to be a long piece of bacon, maybe on a stick, and then dipped in chocolate when you ordered it. Not the case. And the somewhat smoky taste of the bacon doesn't mix well with chocolate. But we can always say we tried it!!
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