Tuesday, April 27, 2010


So I've been contemplating for the last 2 weeks that I need to start blogging again. (More than just feeding my Facebook status updates to PoMonkey!) I've noticed that the pattern in my life is that PoMonkey falls by the wayside when a significant change happens in my life. I guess that makes sense. So much energy is directed toward the change, that there's little energy left for blogging, sharing thoughts, or even just uploading a monkey photo that makes me laugh!

So the prompting I've felt the last few weeks is really just to journal conversations in my life that seem to happen often...and usually involve lessons the Lord has taught me along the journey. I've also noticed that I tend to forget things if I don't write/type them. So really I've just been processing all these thoughts, and if I still have any PoMonkey followers out there...then you get to observe the process. Lucky you!

My current decision is whether I should post these types of things here, along with all the other crazy PoMonkey posts or whether I should put them in a separate blog. I created another one a while back, The Sparrow Still Falls, but then one of those life changes entered and it fell off my radar. But then I wonder if it's better and easier to have everything in one place! Thoughts?

Anyway, that's where I am at the moment. And as a teaser for things to come...my contemplations this week have been on the practice of the Daily Office and Sabbath. Have you heard of this? What are your thoughts? If not, I'm sure I'll be sharing more here or there or somewhere. I'll try to keep you posted.

1 comment:

Pierce said...

Hmm. . . Daily Office and Sabbath. I haven't heard about that. I'll be waiting to see what you have to say . . .

I use Google Reader to stay updated with blogs, so it doesn't matter much to me whether or not you post to several or mix and match on one. As long as I remember to add any new blogs to my list!