Basically, it comes down to this.
Who would win in a fight: pirates or ninjas?
I was just wondering what you thought. I think hands-down a NINJA would win. (And it has nothing to do with my nickname!)
(FYI - one of our other topics at lunch yesterday was the sugar lobby in America. But I'll save that for another day.)
as I already explained yesterday at lunch:
ninjas have a code, and pirates don't play by the rules. fight dirty, and you always win--hence, the pirates win, hands down.
Although I am not as up to date, it appears, with my knowledge of Ninja's or Pirates and codes, The Ninja's being part of the Japanese history and culture, I would take the Ninja over the pirate. Ninja's may have this so called "code" however I think it maybe similar to the Congressional Code of Ethics and like with our Congress the ends justifys the means and will do whatever it takes to win. Wow who knew I was so passionate about the NINJA! If we are basing this on would you rather dress up like a Ninja or Pirate for Halloween? I take the Pirate.
I like pirates better (read: Captain Jack Sparrow), but I think a ninja would win a fight on land. They throw stars. Pirates would win a fight at sea, but I don't think ninjas go to sea...
Pirates. All that ninja training just to get shot. Sounds frustrating to be a ninja fan.
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